Ponniyin Selvan 2, Mani Ratnam's crowning achievement, is having an incredible run at the global box office. The film exceeded Rs 100 crore worldwide in barely two days. In addition to performing very well domestically, the movie is also doing well internationally. The sequel made Rs 38 crore on its first day of sales. Similar statistics were reported for the film's first installment, which was released in September of last year.
The movie has reportedly made Rs 34.35 crore in Tamil Nadu so far. It brought in RS 7.80 crore in Karnataka, RS 5.85 crore in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, RS 5.10 crore in Kerala, and RS 6.40 crore from the other states. Around Rs 51 crore is thought to be what was made abroad.
The movie's amazing total revenue is the result of 63.25 percent Tamil and almost 20 percent Hindi audiences on Sunday. Despite the movie's monetary success, both the public and critics have fallen deeply in love with it.
According to report, who awarded the two-part series a rating of 3.5 stars, “The two-part series might have been explored as a great web series of sorts, something akin to Game of Thrones, or even as a three-part cinema series, enabling the characters to be completely developed and letting fans select their favorite characters. Overall, when Ponniyin Selvan was revealed, it seemed like a fantastic way to introduce the five-part book to people who weren't familiar with it. The two-part series ends up being a fantastic visual experience, but the plot was lacking.
The 1955 book of the same name by Kalki Krishnamurthy was adapted into the two-part movie Ponniyin Selvan. Mani Ratnam has long desired to adapt the well-known novel into a movie and last year finally got the opportunity. Chiyaan Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sobhita Dhulipala, Trisha, Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Aishwarya Lekshmi, and other prominent actors play significant parts in the film.